Strathcona Women’s Basketball League Rules
last modified September 2021
1. No roster changes after the second game of the season. If changes need to be made due to hardship, such as injuries or players moving out of the area, the league organizers need to be contacted at least 3 days prior to the game so the new player may be added to the pre-printed roster. It is the responsibility of the team captain to assure this happens. (Sept 2021)
2. Games will consist of four 10 minute quarters with a 3 minute half time.
3. A team may start with 4 registered players (3 or less is a forfeit).
4. Games must start on time. Times indicated on the schedule are tip-off times, not warm-up times. For every minute past the tip-off time, the opposing team shall receive a point. At the end of 15 minutes, that game shall be considered a forfeiture by the offending team unless an agreement can be reached upon by both parties. The game shall be shortened to accommodate time restrictions. (Mar 2014)
5. There will be no substitutions made from the bench. Substitutions must report to the scorer’s table. Anyone failing to do so will be given a warning. Subsequent offences will be issued a technical foul.
6. Substitutions are permitted during any stoppage of play.
Note: Substitutions on free-throws are permitted prior to the first free throw or after the last free throw, if successful. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
6. Each team will receive 3 timeouts per game. If the game goes to overtime, each team will receive 1 timeout. (Feb 2008)
7. Timeouts may be granted at the request of a player while in team control or during a dead ball.
8. If a technical foul is called, the opposing team gets two foul shots plus possession of the ball in the front court.
9. Anyone receiving an unsportsmanlike technical foul MUST immediately sit out 5 consecutive minutes. A second Unsportsmanlike technical in the same game results in an automatic ejection and the ejected player must exit the gym immediately.
10. If a flagrant foul is called, the opposing team gets two foul shots plus possession. The offending player will be automatically ejected for the rest of the game and the ejected player must exit the gym immediately.
11. The league reserves the right to review and suspend any player that receives two technical fouls in one game, or that is ejected for a flagrant foul or unsportsmanlike conduct. (Aug 2011)
12. Any player who commits their fifth personal foul is automatically disqualified from further play for that game.
13. Shooting bonus will be 2 shots starting on the fifth team foul in each quarter. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
14. Maximum 5 players in designated lane spaces on free throws - 3 defensive & 2 offensive players. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
15. If the score is within 10 points, the clock shall stop in the last 2 minutes of 4th quarter and extra periods on made field goals. (modified FIBA rules, Mar 2014)
16. In the case of a tie, there will be a 3 minute overtime with stop time. If a tie exists after the first overtime, sudden death overtime will be played. The first team to score will be the winner of the game.
17. A 24 hour notice is required for any game forfeitures or a $50 penalty fee shall be assessed to the offending team. That penalty fee must be paid at least 48 hours prior to the next game. Any penalty fees received shall be donated to the Strathcona Youth Basketball Program. (Mar 2014)
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
First offence: Game recorded as a loss
Second offence: Game recorded as a loss and a fine of $50 issued
Third offence: Removal from the league with no refund
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to notify us so as to help us inform all other parties involved (opposing team and officials). However, this will not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
18. If at the end of the season three teams are tied, the standings will be determined by point differential of games played between those three teams.
19. Absolutely NO JEWELLERY allowed at all times. That includes earrings, hair clips, bracelets, etc.
20. NO TALKING BACK TO THE REFEREES!! They are trained professionals who deserve your respect. They are doing the best they can. There will be no tolerance for anyone who does not follow this rule.
21. MERCY RULE - No press after a 20 point lead. (Mar 2014)
22. Player Eligibility:
If there are two separate divisions, players may be listed on rosters for one team in each division. (Sept 2016)
In order to be eligible for playoffs, players must be listed on the team roster and have played in at least three regular season game. Please ensure that you check in with the scoretable prior to each game so that you are listed on the scoresheet. The regular game scoresheets will be the official ruling for playoff eligibility. (Sept 2017)
S.W.B.L. uses modified FIBA rules. For further clarifications, please contact league coordinators.
2. Games will consist of four 10 minute quarters with a 3 minute half time.
3. A team may start with 4 registered players (3 or less is a forfeit).
4. Games must start on time. Times indicated on the schedule are tip-off times, not warm-up times. For every minute past the tip-off time, the opposing team shall receive a point. At the end of 15 minutes, that game shall be considered a forfeiture by the offending team unless an agreement can be reached upon by both parties. The game shall be shortened to accommodate time restrictions. (Mar 2014)
5. There will be no substitutions made from the bench. Substitutions must report to the scorer’s table. Anyone failing to do so will be given a warning. Subsequent offences will be issued a technical foul.
6. Substitutions are permitted during any stoppage of play.
Note: Substitutions on free-throws are permitted prior to the first free throw or after the last free throw, if successful. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
6. Each team will receive 3 timeouts per game. If the game goes to overtime, each team will receive 1 timeout. (Feb 2008)
7. Timeouts may be granted at the request of a player while in team control or during a dead ball.
8. If a technical foul is called, the opposing team gets two foul shots plus possession of the ball in the front court.
9. Anyone receiving an unsportsmanlike technical foul MUST immediately sit out 5 consecutive minutes. A second Unsportsmanlike technical in the same game results in an automatic ejection and the ejected player must exit the gym immediately.
10. If a flagrant foul is called, the opposing team gets two foul shots plus possession. The offending player will be automatically ejected for the rest of the game and the ejected player must exit the gym immediately.
11. The league reserves the right to review and suspend any player that receives two technical fouls in one game, or that is ejected for a flagrant foul or unsportsmanlike conduct. (Aug 2011)
12. Any player who commits their fifth personal foul is automatically disqualified from further play for that game.
13. Shooting bonus will be 2 shots starting on the fifth team foul in each quarter. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
14. Maximum 5 players in designated lane spaces on free throws - 3 defensive & 2 offensive players. (FIBA rules, Feb 2008)
15. If the score is within 10 points, the clock shall stop in the last 2 minutes of 4th quarter and extra periods on made field goals. (modified FIBA rules, Mar 2014)
16. In the case of a tie, there will be a 3 minute overtime with stop time. If a tie exists after the first overtime, sudden death overtime will be played. The first team to score will be the winner of the game.
17. A 24 hour notice is required for any game forfeitures or a $50 penalty fee shall be assessed to the offending team. That penalty fee must be paid at least 48 hours prior to the next game. Any penalty fees received shall be donated to the Strathcona Youth Basketball Program. (Mar 2014)
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
First offence: Game recorded as a loss
Second offence: Game recorded as a loss and a fine of $50 issued
Third offence: Removal from the league with no refund
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to notify us so as to help us inform all other parties involved (opposing team and officials). However, this will not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
18. If at the end of the season three teams are tied, the standings will be determined by point differential of games played between those three teams.
19. Absolutely NO JEWELLERY allowed at all times. That includes earrings, hair clips, bracelets, etc.
20. NO TALKING BACK TO THE REFEREES!! They are trained professionals who deserve your respect. They are doing the best they can. There will be no tolerance for anyone who does not follow this rule.
21. MERCY RULE - No press after a 20 point lead. (Mar 2014)
22. Player Eligibility:
If there are two separate divisions, players may be listed on rosters for one team in each division. (Sept 2016)
In order to be eligible for playoffs, players must be listed on the team roster and have played in at least three regular season game. Please ensure that you check in with the scoretable prior to each game so that you are listed on the scoresheet. The regular game scoresheets will be the official ruling for playoff eligibility. (Sept 2017)
S.W.B.L. uses modified FIBA rules. For further clarifications, please contact league coordinators.